Yellowstone National Park adventure

Yellowstone National Park, the world’s first national park, was established in 1872 and covers 2.2 million acres in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Yellowstone is known for its unique hydrothermal and geologic marvels, as well as its wildlife. The park is huge and there is so much to see and explore!

The most well-known feature in Yellowstone might be Old Faithful Geyser. Of the nearly 500 geysers in the park, Old Faithful is one of only six that rangers predict. Check the schedule to plan your visit. The time between Old Faithful’s eruptions has only lengthened 30 minutes over the last 30 years.

Also check out the many geysers in the West Thumb Geyser Basin, Midway Basin and Upper Geyser Basin.

The Midway Geyser Basin is home to Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone’s largest hot spring. At up to 330 feet in diameter and 121 feet deep, it’s one of the park’s busiest attractions. You can take the Fairy Falls Trail part way to an overlook of Grand Prismatic Spring.

Be sure to check out Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River. The canyon and waterfalls are magnificent and Artist Point is a great spot to take in the views. The canyon is around 20 miles long, 1,000 feet deep and between 1,500-4,000 feet across.

Gibbon Falls is another beautiful waterfall in Yellowstone right off the main road that drops 84 feet. It’s definitely worth a stop to check out.

If you’re looking for wildlife and bison, Hayden Valley was the place to be during my visit in early August. Bison have lived continuously in Yellowstone since prehistoric times, and Yellowstone bison are the United States’ biggest bison population on public land.

There were many bison down in the valley as well as up near the road and even some crossing the road. It was amazing to be so close (from the safety of our vehicle) to these animals!

My guide with BrushBuck Wildlife Tours also spotted this mama bear and her cubs. We stayed a safe distance away in our vehicle, but it was cool to see them in nature.

Check out more to do nearby in Jackson Hole and Grand Teton National Park.


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