Hiking to Tamolitch Blue Pool

The Tamolitch Blue Pool near McKenzie Bridge, Oregon, is off the beaten path but totally worth the journey. The pristine, clear, turquoise water makes it a truly unique location.

The path to the Tamolitch Blue Pool via the McKenzie River Trail is 3.9 miles with 351 feet of elevation gain.

The trail takes you along the river before heading up into some rockier terrain. I visited in April and there was still snow on the ground, so be prepared.

The views when you make it to the Blue Pool are breathtaking. I have never seen freshwater so beautiful. It is very chilly though with an average temperature of 37 degrees!

Walk around the pool for different views of its stunning beauty.

The region is full of gorgeous scenery. I passed several other lakes while driving around the area that I had to pull over to photograph.


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